We are surely trust you are one of the important sources in the process of developing and improving the statistical and informational work in Oman. It is my pleasure to communicate directly with you through this tool to receive suggestions and opinions for development purposes
Type of current housing
Type of current housing for assistance / housing loans applicant, according to the governorate (%)
Current housing possession
Current housing possession for applicant’s assistance / housing loans, according to the governorate (%)
Length of staying in the current housing
current housing area
Number of rooms in the current housing
Favorite housing type
Reasons of preference the villa and the Arabic House rather than any other types of housing
Favorite housing area
Number of rooms in the favorite housing
The gap between the favorite area and the actual area of the housing, according to the area of the current housing (%)
percentage of people who live in housing area of less than preferred, according to the governorate (%)
The gap between the favorite and the actual number of rooms of the housing, according to the number of rooms of the current housing (%)
percentage of people who live in housing of number of rooms less than preferred, according to the governorate (%)
Percentages of those who think the importance of availability of specifications in the housing
Percentages of those who think the importance of availability of specifications in the housing area (%)
getting the housing assistance and loans
Getting the housing assistance and loans, according to the governorate (%)
Getting the housing assistance and loans, according to the average monthly household expenditure in Omani Rial %)
Acceptance of apartments rather than housing assistance and loans
Acceptance the apartments rather than housing assistance and loans according to the governorate (%)
Reasons of non-acceptance the apartments rather than housing assistance and loans
The Opinion of housing assistance applicants about the condition of getting it
Satisfaction with the procedures for getting housing assistance
The Opinion of housing assistance applicants about the amount of assistance
The purpose of the housing assistance
The different type of loans
Recipients of loans by governorate (%)
The purpose of the loans that obtained by individuals
The main purpose of the Housing Loan
The amount of Housing Loan and Monthly installment
Annual interest and its type of Housing Loan
Satisfaction with the amount of housing loan and monthly installments
Housing Loan repayment period
Problems in repayment of housing loan
Satisfaction with the procedures for getting housing loans