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Library Content Details
ONSDI strategy content outlines the vision and mission, defines the objectives and priorities. Provides the guiding principles, and proposes governance structure to achieve ONSDI Initiative. It defines the goals and objectives to overcome the different issues facing the geospatial information sector in the Sultanate and leads to constructive engagement between the different government organizations in a mutually beneficial way and encourage the geo-enabling of the government services.
ONSDI strategy content outlines the vision and mission, defines the objectives and priorities.
Provides the guiding principles, and proposes governance structure to achieve ONSDI Initiative. It defines the goals and objectives to overcome the different issues facing the geospatial information sector in the Sultanate and leads to constructive engagement between the different government organizations in a mutually beneficial way and encourage the geo-enabling of the government services.
Publications Guide 2024
An annual publication documenting all bulletins and publications issued by the National Centre for S
he successful management of any institution depends on employing
.a booklet review the objectives & programs of National Spatial Data Infrastructure