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يأتي الإصدار ضمن سلسلة إصدارات المركز للإحصاءات الثقافية وهو الإصدار الثالث من نوعه بهذا المستوى والذي تم فيه استخدام مفاهيم ومصطلحات وفق إطار اليونسكو للإحصاءات الثقافية 2009 حيث يحتوي الإصدار على مجالات هامة في التراث الطبيعي والثقافي والمجالات الأخرى ذات الصلة.
Education, culture and communication statistics
Education and culture statistics play an essential role in reflecting policies And future aspiration
It is the third edition, the contents of which have been formulated based on the International Stand
Education in the Sultanate 2020 - 2021
A specialized statistical bulletin that includes data related to the natural and cultural heritage
Culture is sharing and spreading 2020
Education in the Sultanate from illiteracy to graduate studies 2020
A specialised statistical bulletin including tables pertaining to the number of museums, archaeologi
It is specialized Statistics Bulletinit includes tables data showing number of students, distributio
Specialized statistical bulletin includes data tables showing the number of higher education institu
It is specialized Statistics Bulletin includes tables data showing number of students ,distribution
A review of the most important General Education Indicators in the Sultanate.
A brochure reviewing the new students’ data (the ones admitted), the students and the graduates.
Addresses illiteracy, pre-school education, basic and public education, and post-primary and higher
This study deals with the educational properties according to two main parts, namely the educational
This survey aims to obtain quantifiable information about how to take advantage of cultural resource
This study reviews the educational status of the Omani population in the age group 15 years and over