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Foreign Investment 2012 - 2016 : 12 Issue


Countries seek to attract foreign direct investment, as a means of financing the economic and social development, which is the prime target that governments aspire to achieve, in order to increase national income, and then increase the per capita income average, and improving the standard of living.

The Omani government created an appropriate environment to attract investments through the improving the stimulating economic infrastructure, creation of attractive incentives and enactment of laws and legislations that regulate this important economical source.

In this context, the National Center for Statistics and Information issued during 2018, the twelveth bulletin on the foreign investment statistics in the Sultanate, to monitor and follow up the achievements in various economic and investment sectors during the Eighth Five Year Plan (2011 to 2016) based on foreign investment survey data for the same period, which was implemented by the Center and the Central Bank of Oman, and so as to provide supportive data for the development processes of the  Ninth Five Year Development Plan (2016-2020).

The bulletin covers the following parts: general indicators of foreign direct investment, total foreign investment by type, total foreign investment by activity, foreign direct investment by country of origin, foreign direct 

No of Pages Hard Copy Price Periodicity Sector Publication Type
75 N/A Yearly Foreign Investment Statistical Publication
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