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Population Projections 2021 - 2040


Estimation of the future size of the population is considered one of the basic requirements for successful planning since investigating the future of the population and the changes in its size, composition and distribution is considered the basis for socio-economic planning for any community.

Population forecasts are also used for obtaining specialized sector estimates such as labour force, students, pensioners, housing units needed, educational cadres, school classes, hospitals and medical cadres and others during the forecast period.  This data serves a wide spectrum of researches and those specialized in the different Felds, which necessitates the knowledge about population growth trends and heir characteristics in the coming years.

This issue reviews population projects for Omanis and Expatriates during the period 2021 - 2040 by age and sex composition at the level of governorates and Willayats, depending on population data of 2020 as a base year.

No of Pages Hard Copy Price Periodicity Sector Publication Type
172 N/A Other Total Population Studies and Research
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