We are surely trust you are one of the important sources in the process of developing and improving the statistical and informational work in Oman. It is my pleasure to communicate directly with you through this tool to receive suggestions and opinions for development purposes
The number of registered vehicles on the roads until the end of May 2016
Transportation way to the usual destination %
Transportation way to the usual destination according to nationality %
Transportation way to the usual destination according to level of education and gender %
The main Objective of using the roads for users of private cars %
The main Objective of using the roads for users of private cars according to nationality %
The main Objective of using the roads for users of private cars according to gender %
The main Objective of using the roads for users of private cars according to educational level %
The main Objective of using the roads for users of private cars according to age %
Alternatives and availability of other means of transport to navigate to the usual destination
The degree of satisfaction about road infrastructure %
The degree of satisfaction about road infrastructure according to nationality %
The degree of satisfaction about road infrastructure according to governorates %
The degree of satisfaction about road infrastructure according to demographic characteristics %
The degree of satisfaction for road Operation according to nationality %
The degree of satisfaction for road Operation according to demographic characteristics %
The need for create new road and maintenance of roads
The need for create new road and maintenance of roads according to governorates %
Suggestions to improve road conditions %
Number of taxis in the Sultanate until the end of May 2016
The main Objective of using taxis %
The main Objective of using taxis according to nationality %
Request vehicle taxi ways by nationality %
Priorities of the beneficiaries of the taxi %
The degree of satisfaction of taxi services by nationality %
Suggestions to improve taxi services %