A- The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Economic Activity
1- Agriculture:
Sources of data used in estimating Output include the annual survey of agricultural production for the main crops, some studies carried out by Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the periodic survey of agricultural products and livestock prices conducted by the Centre. The studies and researches carried by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries are utilized for calculating of intermediate consumption.
2- Fisheries:
Estimates of the output were based on the periodic surveys of traditional fishermen conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and also data of commercial fishing companies. As for intermediate consumption some studies prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries were used in the estimation process.
3- Mining and Quarrying:
3-1 Crude Petroleum: Crude Petroleum Output estimates are obtained by multiplying production quantities by average monthly price of oil plus the value of crude petroleum sales to Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (ORPIC). The production includes estimated income of services generated by oil companies. The value added of this activity is estimated by subtracting the value of intermediate consumption (estimated on the basis detailed data analysis of current expenditure of PDO and other oil companies) from the value of output.
3-2 Services Incidental to Oil and Gas: Output represents the cost of drilling and exploration by the oil companies. The intermediate consumption is estimated on the basis of field surveys.
3-3 Mining of Non Ferrous Metal Ores: Estimates of value added is based on the analysis of balance sheet of the companies working in this field
3-4 Quarrying of Stone Sand & Clay: Quarrying of stone, sand and clay production estimates for this activity are based on the periodic survey of quantities conducted by Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
3-5 Natural Gas: The output of the natural gas activity represents the value of the government gas consumed. The intermediate consumption is computed based on the cost of operation of the Government Gas System .It also constitutes the production of the upstream project of the government owned OLNG , which is the sales of gas to Oman Liquefied Natural Gas Company . The intermediate consumption was calculated according to the costs of production operations.
4- Manufacturing:
4-1 Manufacturing of Refined Petroleum Products: The value added of this industry was estimated based on the analysis of the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (ORPIC) budget.
4-2 Other Manufacturing: Results of economic survey carried out by the Centre and the Industrial Survey conducted by Ministry of Commerce and Industry was used in the estimates of this activity.
4-3 Manufacturing of chemicals and Chemicals Products: Value added based on the analysis of the budget of the companies working in this field.
5- Electricity and Water:
5-1 Electricity: The value added of this activity is represented by the analysis of the budget of the companies operating in the area of production, transport and distribution of electricity
5-2 Water: This Activity is divided into public (government) production and private production. Government production represents total government revenues from selling water. Private production equals to the value of the water consumed by households that do not use government water.
6- Construction:
The construction activity includes all the residential and non-residential buildings construction operations, construction of roads, electricity and water projects and land preparation etc.
Estimates of this activity were based the annual economic survey of the construction carried out by the Centre.
7- Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Vehicles and Personal Household Goods:
7-1 Maintenance of Vehicles: Output represents the maintenance requirements of the vehicles for the different economic activities, in addition to the individual’s expenditure in this field.
7-2 Wholesale and Retail Trade: The output of this activity was estimated based on the trade margins for the locally produced commodities by type of commodity and the total trade margin for imports by type of commodity. Intermediate consumption is obtained from the results of economic surveys of this activity.
7-3 Repair of Personal and Household Goods: Output represents the households’ expenditure on repairing personal and household goods.
8- Hotels and Restaurants:
Estimates were based on the annual survey of hotels and restaurants carried out by the Centre.
9- Transport, Storage and Communications:
9-1 Transport: Output estimates are based on the transport margin for the total supply of goods (i.e., domestic production plus imports) in addition to the analysis of financial statements of some companies working in the transport field as well as the results of the annual economic survey.
9-2 Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones: Estimates were based on the accounts of the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication and on the final accounts of the Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel) and Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company (Ooredoo).
10- Financial Intermediation:
Estimates were based on the annual surveys of Banks, Insurance companies, other intermediaries and the analysis of final accounts of Muscat Securities Market (MSM) and the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) .
11- Real Estate and Business Activities:
Several secondary activities come under this activity. In general, government, oil companies’ employment data, the average wage, number of house by type and average rent were used to calculate the details of this activity. In addition to the analysis of economic surveys data.
12- Producers of Government Services:
The value added of this activity represents salaries, wages and depreciation. Estimates were based on the State’s final accounts. The financial accounts were re-classified into economic accounts according to the New System of National Accounts (SNA 93) in addition to the distribution of government expenditure to (1) sectors and the re-valuation of depreciation by using the Perpetual Inventory Method.
13- Education:
Education is divided into public education and private education. Private education output represents the revenue of private schools & language schools, Private Collages, institutes and driving schools. These estimates were based on the results of the annual economic survey conducted by the Centre and the other quantitative statistics such as, number of students, schools and institutes. Output of public education, represents salaries and wages of the government education sector, plus depreciation, and intermediate consumption.
14- Health:
This activity is also divided into public and private Health. Private health output represents the income of all private clinics and hospitals. Estimates were based on the results of the annual economic survey.
Output of public health represents salaries and wages of the health sector in the government budget, plus depreciation, and the intermediate consumption.
15- Other Community, Social & Personal Services
This activity is divided into public and private. The public aspect represents salaries and wages of the housing sector and the entertainment, cultural and sport sector, plus depreciation plus the intermediate consumption.
The private aspect however, was estimated by using economic indicators from studies conducted by the Centre.
16- Private Households with Employed Persons:
Numbers of housemaids, servants, cooks and chauffeurs, in addition to the average annual salary were used to estimate the value of output.