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Housing 2018 : 9 Issue


The housing sector is directly linked to the lives of citizens, the government is seeking to bring more housing and construction and real estate development, in order to serve all members of society and achieve family and social stability to the Omani individual and the families of planning and provision of land for the various uses and stimulate the movement of real estate activities, and focus on the most social groups in need for suitable houses through social housing and assistance program aimed at the low-income groups and groups that fall under the social security umbrella.

In order to monitor and evaluate government policies in this subject, and provide input for future planning, the National Center for Statistics and Information during the 2019 has issued of the Ninth version of the housing statistics bulletin, which includes tables of a number of planned plots of land according to the provinces, states and months, and number of planned plots of land by type of use and the provinces and states, and the number of families utilizing housing loans and their amounts in Omani Riyals according to the months, provinces and other data of the said statistics.

No of Pages Hard Copy Price Periodicity Sector Publication Type
27 N/A Yearly Economic Statistical Publication
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