Initiatives & Services
National GeoSpatial Database (NGDB) :
The National Geospatial Database (NGDB) is developed based on common GeoSpatial Data requirements of the Oman NSDI Stakeholders. The International Standards (e.g. OGC, ISO) and best practices, customized to meet the local requirements of the Sultanate of Oman, inspired the NGDB Data Model design.
The NGDB is designed to be a central source of GeoSpatial data in Sultanate of Oman. NGDB is secured and is consisting of GeoSpatial Data by respective Data Owners. The respective data owners maintain the GeoSpatial data accuracy and currency. Oman NSDI ensure the dissemination of the GeoSpatial data as per National GeoSpatial Data Access Policy Matrix.
The target beneficiaries of the NGDB includes the Government Entities, Public Authorities, Government / Semi Government Companies, private businesses, academia and public.
The NGDB provides the stakeholders with the required information for their business processes without the need to communicate with the responsible parties for providing this information.
NGDB contains 56 datasets under 30 data themes. The themes are further classified as Core and Supporting Data themes as mentioned below
Core Data Themes | Supporting Data Themes |
1. Coordinate reference system (Geodetic) 2. Geographical place names 3. Administrative units 4. Address 5. Cadastral parcels 6. Transportation networks 7. Hydrology 8. Hydrography (Bathymetric) 9. Elevation 10. Imagery 11. Land cover | 1. Geology. 2. Protected site. 3. Land use. 4. Utilities. 5. Buildings. 6. Public services. 7. Tourist site. 8. Agricultural facilities. 9. Fisheries and aquaculture facilities. 10. Environmental monitoring facilities. 11. Soil. 12. Historical sites (heritage). 13. Statistical units. 14. Population distribution - demography. 15. Area restriction Unit. 16. Habitats and biotopes. 17. Energy resources. 18. Mineral resources. 19. Industrial activities. |

Unified National Basemap :
Oman National Spatial Data Infrastructure launched the Unified National Basemap for Government Entities, Semi Government Entities, Private Sector, Academia and Public.
The Unified National Basemap is developed in coordination with National Survey Authority on basis of Aerial Photos of 50 cm resolution and it conforms to the National Geodetic Datum ONGD14.
All the Government entities will align their Geospatial data with the Unified National Basemap as per decision issued by Supreme Council for Planning.
The Unified National Basemap is available as
• GeoSpatial Dataset
• Online Web Map Service (WMS), which can be used directly in GeoEnabled Web & Mobile applications to public.

National GeoSpatial Standards :
Standards facilitate development, sharing, and use of geospatial data and services. Oman NSDI developed National Geospatial Standards for implementing the NSDI, in consultation and cooperation with Government entities and Semi Government Entities. The standards are based on Global Geospatial Standards e.g. ISO / OGC customized to the local requirements. Oman NSDI is member of Open GeoSpatial Consortium (OGC).
Government, Semi Government entities that collect, use, or disseminate geographic information and/or carry out related spatial data activities shall use Oman National Geospatial standards both internally or externally .
The National Geospatial Data Standards focus on improving the effectiveness of government through the more widespread use of geospatial information, which can often improve the quality and timeliness of government entities' decision-making across a wide variety of programmatic contexts.
The National Geospatial Data Standards help improve the efficiency of government by making geospatial data more accessible, reliable, and less expensive to acquire through enhanced data-sharing and more effective management of investments.
Oman NSDI launched National Geospatial Standard for Metadata Information in addition to Oman National Geodetic Datum (ONGD 14) by National Survey Authority.
ONSDI Standard Categories:-
• GeoSpatial Data Management Standards
• GeoSpatial Data Sharing Standards
• GeoSpatial Data Content Standards
Unified Addressing System :
An addressing information plays a vital role in most transactions, provided by thousands of different organizations – from registering to vote, responding to emergencies where time really can be a matter of life or death, delivery of social care, connection of utility services, quotation for insurance, delivery of packages, allocation of school places and collection of waste. A geographical overview of addresses is required for a large area, such as Urban Planning, land administration, utility planning & Maintenance, Emergency Services, Logistics & Deliveries etc.
Currently Sultanate of Oman does not have a unified addressing system across the country. NCSI in coordination with Ministry of Regional Municipality and Water Resources , Ministry of Housing ,Ministry of Interior, Muscat Municipality, Sohar Municipality, Dhofar Municipality ,Royal Oman Police and Information Technology Authority has started an initiative to establish a Unified Addressing System in the Sultanate of Oman.
The project aims to achieve the following goals:
- To develop centerlized address Geo database for the Sultanate of Oman
- All buildings, residents, offices will be provides an Address which will be available thru centerlized Addressing Database
- Integrate the Unified addressing system to various Government Applications which requires Address for individuals or businesses
- Provide the Addressing Data to Business and private sectors
- Enable upcoming eCensus 2020
- Physical Implementation of Signage (To be done in later stage of project by Municipalities)
GeoSpatial Advisory Services :
As a part of its vision, and in order to assure the geo-enablement of the Omani Communities, the Oman National Spatial Data Infrastructure (ONSDI) program provides advisory services to its stakeholder entitiesin the field of geographic information systems (GIS) to achieve higher maturity levels for an Integrated Spatial institutional framework and achieve the benefits of the GIS Technology in their respective business processes.
Oman NSDI is working with many entities and providing them active support in the regard and Oman NSDI welcomes other entities to contact ONSDI if they need any support related to geographic information systems (GIS).
Different types of advisory services are offered by the ONSDI, which includes and not limited to:
- Technical Trainings and Workshops
- Consultancy services to GeoEnable Government applications
- Provide the local community with geospatial applications and services
Oman Explorer :
Oman Explorer is an Oman NSDI Map Viewer application where users can visualize the search and download Geospatial data according to the security classification agreed in National GeoSpatial Data Access Policy.
Aim of the Oman Explorer is to provide relevant, standardized and good quality GeoSpatial Information (data and services) to support decisions making, projects implementation with securely.
The application provides a range of functions through easy-to-use tools that allow the user to view and browse the map, query and search tools, spatial data processing tools, data extract & download, print and report. In Addition Oman Explorer also provides access to advanced tools for advanced users.
Oman Explorer is available to All Government / Semi Government entities, Academia, Private Businesses and Public for view and download as per security access defined in National GeoSpatial Data Access Policy.

Ready to Use Maps :
A Web Map Service (WMS) / Web Feature Service (WFS) / OGC Compliant Web Services are standard protocols for serving (over the Internet) geospatial data. These services can be used directly in the GIS enabled Web and Mobile applications.
Oman National Spatial Data Infrastructure have developed and launched various OGC Compliant Web Services for its stakeholders, Private Businesses, Academia and Public. The Services are accessible from Oman NSDI's Geoportal .
The Geo Web Services from Oman NSDI contains Imagery Services, National Basemap Services and Map Services related to specific datasets related to geospatial sectors e.g. Health Services, Recreational Services, Hydrography, National Boundary, Buildings, Land cover, Transportation etc.
ONSDI GeoSpatial Mobile Framework :
Mobile GIS is the latest technology trend and all the government and semi government entities in Oman need to create their own mobile apps to reach more audience. A mobile GIS allows team out in the field to capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display geospatial data and information.
Most of the GIS enabled Mobile applications have a large of common requirements related to GIS functionalities. Oman National Spatial Data Infrastructure has developed an ONSDI GeoSpatial Mobile Framework for its stakeholders; which addresses most of these common GIS requirements.
The ONSDI GeoSpatial Mobile framework is developed to be Extendible, Configurable, Customizable and supporting Multi-platform.
The ONSDI GeoSpatial Mobile framework support following common functionalities: Display of Stakeholder's Business Layers on top of Unified National Basemap, Location Search, Advanced Search, Shortest Path Routing, Nearby Search, Individual Profile, Voluntary Geographical Information (Crowd Sourcing), App Feedback etc. Mobile Framework is available for ios and Android Platforms.
Banki :
A mobile application which provides end users with necessary tools to search locate and navigate to Bank branches, ATMs and CDMS. This app will help users to search for banks providing special services related to loans, investments etc. or to find nearby services. It also helps find insurance company offices by services provided (health insurance, life insurance, corporate or individual). It also provides routing, rating and feedback capabilities. The Application can work in offline mode as well.
Waqudi :
A mobile application which provides end users with necessary tools to search locate and navigate to Petrol stations. This app will help users to search for fuel stations by type or/and by available nearby facilities. It also make it possible for the user to plan for fuel filling during their trip in Oman. It also provides routing, rating and feedback capabilities. The Application can work in offline mode as well.
Tour Oman :
The "TourOman" Mobile app provides tourism information about Sultanate of Oman and displays it spatially. The application provides many functions that allows you to search for tourism services and shows you the nearest service available, Trip planner, tourist sites, provides virtual tours of selected sites, and finds the path of driving directions between two points on the map.
Government Services Locator :
As part of NSDI continuous efforts to enhance services, The Government offices Locater Has an Innovative and New dimension Application Coming Up, "Government Services Locator" is an online application that allows Internet users to easily locate any Government office in the Sultanate of Oman. It helps public users to get the information of governmental location and services provided by government agencies and public institutions. The user can easily find for government office locations their related branches, Phone numbers, working hours, website and to identify the services offered by Government agencies, on an interactive map.