As many as 20 students and a faculty member from the department of Economics at the Mazoon College students visited the (NCSI) to gain meaningful understanding of the operational strategies in the field of statistics in the Sultanate. "The visit has been scheduled to facilitate the students to get some useful insights into how academic and theoretical knowledge in economics is linked to applied statistics real time," Dr. Sushmita Dey, professor of economics at Mazoon College who accompanied the students said. The Centre arranged a host of video presentations on the various departments and functionalities, as well as surveys and reports produced by the Centre. This was followed by a tour of the Centre's resources including the state-of-the-art library and call centre. Students got to learn about the Call Centre's operational framework and also the methods of sample data collection and dissemination, familiarized themselves with the various statistical books, journals and reports available in the library, and also the book loan system. It may be noted that NCSI encourages visits by academic institutions to the Centre towards enhancing awareness about statistics as well as data collection and dissemination procedures, and also the Centre's role in building statistical capacity in the Sultanate.