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Jun 24

Government services evaluation survey

From the opinion poll of beneficiaries of government services for the year 2024 AD, which will begin tomorrow, Monday, June 24, and continue until November 30, 2024, with the aim of identifying the opinions of those dealing with the services provid...

Oct 14

Second Arab Tourism's Statistics Forum

The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the National Centre for Statistics and Information, in cooperation with the League of Arab States, ,will  host the Second Arab Tourism's Statistics Forum during the period 14-16 October 2024, at  Shan...

Aug 20

Monthly Statistical Bulletin : AUG 2024

Monthly Statistical Bulletin : AUG 2024   (electronic version) A monthly bulletin that provides economic and social data and indicators about all major sector.  

Aug 01

Issue Statistical Yearbook 2024(electronic copy)

Issuing the52 issue of the Statistical Yearbook 2024, which includes valuable statistical data covering various social and economic activities. This data was collected from ministries and government units, as well as from public and private institu...

Jul 22

Survey of Omanis’ attitudes towards Saving and

The survey aims to measure individuals' attitudes towards saving and investment of various types and the reasons for individuals' reluctance to do so. And to know the sources of information that individuals resort to to obtain knowledge about the a...

Jun 02

Consumer Confidence Survey 42

The Index of Consumer Sentiment is one of important indices for the economic activity performance. It aims to measure the extent of the citizen's satisfaction of the current economic situations, such as inflation, job opportunities, investment ways...

May 05

Satisfaction survey with government services

Satisfaction survey with various government services provided at the governorate level 2024 - first half of 2024 AD, in its second session.

Mar 04

Consumer Confidence Survey 41

The Index of Consumer Sentiment is one of important indices for the economic activity performance. It aims to measure the extent of the citizen's satisfaction of the current economic situations, such as inflation, job opportunities, investment ways...

Feb 26

استطلاع رأي رضا المجتمع عن أداء المجالس البلدية

ينفذ المركز الوطني للإحصاء والمعلومات استطلاعا للرأي لقياس مؤشر رضا المجتمع عن أداء مجالس البلدية والذي يهدف إلى تقييم أداء الخدمات التي تقدمها مجالس البلدية والتي تقدم لأفراد المجتمع تحقيقا للتكاملية التامة بين افراد المجتمع وأعضاء المجالس البلدية...

Feb 18

measuring Access to and use of ICT

measuring Access to and use of ICT  

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